InLevel Up CodingbyAlvaro MontoroBatman-Comic.CSSMove aside, TailwindCSS! the next best CSS utility-class library is already here, and it’s all about web development… and comics! Because…Jul 9, 2024275Jul 9, 2024275
Marlan FernandoPretty Good Privacy (PGP) Painless encryption/decryption with Javarecently came across a requirement of writing a utility class for file encryption/decryption for our system. Hence, I thought I’d share…Feb 27, 202480Feb 27, 202480
InLevel Up CodingbyDaniel WarfieldHow Burnout Almost Ended The WorldThe real danger of unrelenting expectation.Apr 9, 20247108Apr 9, 20247108
InThe Scratch Team BlogbyThe Scratch TeamParents of Scratch: Self-Expression, Leadership, & Creativity with Elsie PanThis is the first installment in our new Parents of Scratch series. This series explores the experience of parents of Scratchers worldwide…Apr 10, 2024603Apr 10, 2024603
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InCodeXbyJason KnightDesigning For Print (HTML Illiteracy Part 3 of 2)One of the biggest signs that someone doesn’t know enough HTML to be flapping their yap about it — and this includes fraud peddling…Mar 19, 20243824Mar 19, 20243824
InLevel Up CodingbyShalitha SurangaGoodbye Optimized Code, Hello Better HardwareModern developers are obsessed with productivity, and they never strive to write hardware-optimized source codeMar 1, 20242648Mar 1, 20242648
Giles Crouch | Digital AnthropologistA Digital Debt Crisis?A digital debt crisis may seem scary, but in the end, could result in better technology and smarter innovations for business and society.Jan 29, 202460813Jan 29, 202460813
InCodeXbyJason KnightHTMX, The “Framework Stupid” Gets Dialed Up To Eleven!I have said for ages that the people who CREATE frameworks are generally ignorant of the most basic concepts behind web development. They…Nov 21, 202380718Nov 21, 202380718
InCodeXbyJason KnightFour Things HTML / CSS “Framework Stupid” Developers Don’t Seem To UnderstandOr at least seem to not care one iota about.Jan 25, 202460910Jan 25, 202460910
InLevel Up CodingbyDr. Ashish BamaniaThe Untold Story Of The (Errorless) Code Written By A Woman That Took Man To The Moon54 Years & No One Has Found A Single Bug In This Code! (GitHub Repo Attached)Nov 8, 20232.2K18Nov 8, 20232.2K18
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Keith McNultyFive Great Programming and Data Science MemesGreat memes describe common experiences and feelings, and it’s no different with Programming and Data ScienceAug 10, 20237204Aug 10, 20237204
InBits and PiecesbyAnto SemeraroA Guide to Responsive Web Design with CSS Grid and FlexboxUnlocking responsive web design, and master CSS Grid and Flexbox for dynamic, cross-device layouts with a practical guide and code examplesNov 23, 2023253Nov 23, 2023253
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InCodeXbyJason KnightAnother Client, Another Garbage “Framework” Template In Need Of Fixing. (Part 1 of 2)By this point most of my regular readers are well aware of my utter and total contempt for the mind-numbingly idiotic trash that are…Oct 10, 20236687Oct 10, 20236687
InLevel Up CodingbyAlvaro MontoroShapes in CSSHow to quickly draw multiple shapes with CSS and a single HTML elementOct 9, 20238709Oct 9, 20238709
InFailure ModebyMarc H. Weiner“Back to The Future II” Was Right: Modern Tech is a Buggy MessHas reliability taken a back seat to features? If so, why? And what are the consequences?Sep 28, 20231813Sep 28, 20231813
InCodeXbyJason KnightWhy Presentational Classes for HTML/CSS Are Ignorant GarbageThe majority of people are “visually oriented”. They like to think about how things look before most other concerns. When it comes to web…Jan 5, 20213713Jan 5, 20213713